Somatic Strategies for Overeating, Compulsive Eating, Binge Eating, Bulimia, and Foodaddictio

Somatic strategies, or body-based strategies, are strategies that you can use when you
experience an urge to overeat, eat compulsively, eat addictively, or binge eat.
Here are some zero-cost strategies you can try that can help ground you, change your state,
and bring you back into your body.

  1. Cold shower. This can be intense and might feel a little unpleasant, but it’s quite effective
    in grounding you and changing your state. When trying to counter dissociation,
    sometimes we need to do things that are intense that are a little unpleasant.
  2. Body tapping. This is when you make a fist or use an open palm and gently tap your
    body. This is sometimes done in qi-gong. This helps awaken the body and makes you
    more alert, if you are feeling tired. I love love love this one. This aids in proprioceptive
    awareness, letting your body know where its boundaries are.
  3. Squat. Bodyweight squats, or weighted squats are great. It provides deep internal
    pressure, as well as proprioceptive input.
  4. Chair push up. Pushing against something, whether it’s the wall, a chair, or the ground,
    can be very regulating. If it’s ok for your body, try chair push ups, wall ups, or floor push
    ups next time an urge to binge pops up, and see if they help.
  5. Comboof walking, looking at the horizon, and physiological sigh. Get your body moving
    and get outside. Leave your phone behind if you can. Look at the horizon, look at nature,
    look at the sunset, look at flowers, allow your eyes to scan and move around. As you
    walk, sniff twice in through the nose and exhale out (once) through the mouth. Continue
    to walk in this way, with physiological sighs, and allowing your eyes to take in panoramic
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