1:1 Coaching for Binge Eating/Food Addiction


Initial Assessment


Follow up sessions

1:1 Coaching for Binge Eating/Food Addiction offers a completely personalized approach to collaboration. It begins with a comprehensive written assessment to gather information that is followed by a 90-minute meeting that reviews the information and further elicits information. After the initial 90-minute session, sessions are 50 minutes in length.

Please note that while I support individuals in figuring out the unique formula that works for them, primary tools that I offer are:

Some of our work together may include:

If you are interested in working together, please apply for coaching below.
I’d love to hear what is your biggest struggle and what you’d like to work on.

Group Coaching for Binge Eating/ Food Addiction


5 months

Group Coaching for Binge Eating/Food Addiction is my signature offering and provides a valuable opportunity to be in community while working on recovery. Group Coaching follows a structured format that covers important topics in recovery such as:

Live zoom classes are filled with extremely valuable information you won’t find elsewhere, guided somatic practices, and opportunities to ask me questions and receive support. Home practices and reflective prompts are sent home for you to work on in between live classes. We want this work to go deep.

If you’re interested, I’d love to hear what it is that you most eager to work on in group coaching. Please note that this class will only be offered twice a year. Please signup using the link below so I can let you know when the next cohort will begin.  

Group Coaching for Mindful Eating


4 week class

Group Coaching for Mindful Eating offers a unique and invaluable opportunity to be led in real-time mindful eating practices. Mindful eating is one evidence-based intervention that shows efficacy in reducing binge eating episodes. Do you know how to mindfully eat? Or do you just want some support? Want to practice? Allow me to guide you through some mindful awareness exercises while engaging with your food. And hell no, I’m not going to ask you to eat cookies or chocolate or raisins. Eat whatever food you want. You will (attempt to) eat it mindfully. Each 50 minute class class will have mindful exercises plus group discussions. This class could really be a game-changer for you. The group coaching is done is cohorts, approximately four times a year. 

If you’re interested, please share via the contact page what you hope to get out of eating with more mindful awareness. I will let you know when the next mindful eating group cohort will begin. 

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